DAY 25
It’s actually crazy to me how up and down this journey is. One day I’m totally in flow, feeling connected to God, on top of the world… and the next day I feel like a crazy person, cannot turn my brain off, and having thoughts that using and drinking would be a “good” solution. Now I know that is a lie…
DAY 17
When I look at my problems through this lens, of course I’m an alcoholic. Of course I need this program. Of course I’ve been unable to manage my life since I began drinking and using drugs. Everything just becomes so clear. I’ve been using drinking and drugs as a solution for my life, as a solution to my problems…. instead of recognizing that it will NEVER solve anything….and that nothing will ever change unless I change.
DAY 16
Since we are ultimately powerless— there is NOTHING we can do as individuals to help ourselves stay sober. I am starting to see the truth in that. Countless times I have woken up sick, miserable, hungover and declared to myself that I would “never do it again.” And then literally done it again shortly afterwards. How crazy is that?
DAY 12
“I am willing to change, I am willing to change, I am willing to change.” This morning I am reminded of a Louise Hay affirmation that I used many years ago. I believe that if I’m unwilling to change, nothing will change. If I am unwilling to change my thinking, my life won’t change.
DAY 11
This weekend, I had my first real “trigger” where I had a moderate urge to want to drink/use. On Saturday morning, I went to a meeting and a woman shared her intense story. Then people went around and shared; I stayed quiet. I started noticing my thoughts going to places like, “See she’s so much worse than you. You don’t need to be here. You don’t have a problem. You’re not like these people.”
NINE DAYS!!! I haven’t really had any major urges except for yesterday. I was not feeling well, laying in my bed. Friday night, what I would typically be doing is going out drinking and partying all night or staying in and smoking weed, getting fucked up and watching movies or whatever.
I am actually pleasantly surprised that I’ve made it over a week! It hasn’t been as hard as I thought it would be.. Actually it was quite easy. That’s what I’m afraid of. For me, things are typically easier in the beginning. I can start things but where I struggle? Is continuing them. Keeping them up over time. The issue — or at least the pattern to be aware of is not falling back into old habits over time.
Nothing lately has made sense. Everything in my life has been turned upside down. I moved to a new city in a new home where I know NO ONE, my daily routines have been completely different than they ever have before, and I am doing this completely sober without the use of drugs or alcohol (which was a daily habit). And surprisingly? I am feeling happy and grateful despite being right smack in the middle of this huge transition.
One major thing I have to be aware of is that for me, starting is not an issue. Starting, getting sober, getting a couple of days under my belt is great, yay I did it. Not a huge deal, I have done it before, dozens of times. What I need to watch out for is my thinking in the long term.